Two teenage siblings outdoor photosession in the fall. CT Family Photographer.

One would think with all the cameras and lenses I own, and not to mention that I have a studio space in town that I would constantly be taking photographs of my own kids.  If one would think that, then one would be wrong.  You see both my kids are now teenagers and if you know anything about teenagers you would know that you cannot point a camera at them unless they have had ample time to primp and prep and then they must go through and approve every picture before any go out to the internet universe, even fewer make it to the wall of the house.  I finally gave fair warning that we would be going to the local park/farm on a beautiful fall afternoon to do our Christmas photographs.  I allowed them to choose their own outfits and off we went.   

The leaves were bursting with color, the temperature was just right and everyone was in a great mood and ready to smile.  My kids just like most kids/teens like to try out some of their own poses, I let them do some of their own and some directed by me.  We visited a path I've now used several times that I am in love with and a stone wall that also created a great backdrop.  We ended up with some great images for our 2017 Christmas card and everyone left happy.  Hopefully once it's summer I can get them on the beach for some updated beach portraits, it's been about two and a half years since we've done that and they are my favorite. 

studio 860 photography, ct family photographer
studio 860 Photography, CT family photographer
Studio 860 Photography, CT family photographer
Studio 860 Photography, CT family photographer
Studio 860 Photography, CT family photographer
Studio 860 Photography, CT family photographer
Studio 860 Photography, CT family photographer

CT family Photographer Studio 860 Photography is looking forward to photographing many more children and families in Connecticut.