Moving right along...

It's been a super busy week of painting,buying furniture and doting my "i's" and crossing my "t's".  I feel like I am making progress, although like everything in life it's taking longer then I initially thought it would.  I know I will get it all done, it just may take a few days (or a week) longer then I thought in the beginning, but I can see the end and it looks good (it also has an aqua accent wall)!  So far I have all my walls primed in the studio and we took a trip to ikea last weekend, which is a great place to get some basic furniture and shelving, but the putting together is a P-A-I-N!  It's even more of a pain for someone that hates to read directions, because if you miss one step it's all over.  I'll continue to paint on this week and then start choosing which prints to get printed for the walls, so many decisions. 

Here are a couple pictures of us (my family has been a huge help) working on the new space (these are iPhone photos, that's why they are a bit grainy):