Back in the summer I photographed an adorable senior girl. She said she was a bit shy in front of the camera, but through conversation and just walking around I knew she was going to be easy to photograph. We started in the grass in her most casual outfit (I generally advise seniors to bring an average of three outfits, a casual, a dressy, and a sport (or hobby) related).
We then moved onto her sports related outfit. Since it was off season she didn't have her full uniform (she's a cheerleader) so we photographed her in her jacket and pom poms. I actually like the look of just bits and pieces of a uniform for senior pictures.
We then moved on to her dressier outfit. We used a cute little stone building as a backdrop as well as my most favorite path in the woods.
We finished up our session in the middle of the field, the sun was setting and provided the perfect for her.
I enjoyed every minute with her session, it was super laid back and fun. Studio 860 Photography Connecticut senior photographer is looking forward to photographing many more seniors in Connecticut.