Three year old girl photosession at a beautiful park in Connecticut.

Studio 860 Photography, Connecticut child and family photographer photographs an adorable 3 year old girl at Harkness Memorial Park in Waterford, CT.  The photoshoot consisted of a beautiful blue sky, balloons and the beach.

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Family of four photosession at a beautiful Connecticut farm.

Connecticut Family Photographer Studio 860 Photography photographed an adorable family of four at a farm in Connecticut.  The family has two children that were so much fun, ages 3.5 and 1.5 years.

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5 year old session on the tracks.

Connecticut family photographer Studio 860 Photography photographs a 5 year old boy on abandoned train tracks.  Studio 860 Photography photographed a family of three and their son at a park in Connecticut which includes train tracks and an open field.

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Teen headshots in studio.

Studio 860 Photography family photographer located in Killingworth Connecticut is happy to share a sneak peak of some portraits of a headshot session with a super fun teen.  I was recently contacted to photograph a teen in need of updated headshots.  I absolutely love teens and headshots are one of my favorite sessions as well, put them together and it was nothing but fun!

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First teen in the studio.

Recently I photographed Miss "E".  She was not only a super fun client, but she is also my niece.  She started the session a bit shy with the lights and the camera, but ended it super happy with the results!  I got to try out a couple of new backgrounds that I got recently and I am very happy how they photographed.  I can see using them much more in the future. You will be seeing many more of these backdrops from Studio 860 Photography in Connecticut!

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